- The machine offers some Financial functions
- Vacuum Fluorescent Display
- Two OMRON integrated circuits: HD3687 and an HD32614P behind the display.
(The codes 5M12 and 5L31 could be date codes referring to 1975)
The bottom of the machine shows a Triumph/Adler type indicator: EC31
- C: Clears the input register and when pressed again clears the result register as well
- CM: Clears memory
- Mout: Copies memory contents to result register
- √: calculates the square root of the vakue in the input register
- EX: Swaps input and result register
- Kin: Copies the displayed value into the constant memory
- RK=: Adds the value in the constant memory to the input register
Four sliding switches broaden functionality:
- “A”: in A-position results of multiplication and division are automatically added in memory (*)
- “n”: In “n” position the number of operations +, -, X, : are counted in digits 11 and 12
- “AM” “F” ...... 6”
- “AM”: is intended for financial calculations. It always shows 2 digits behind the decimal point. On input the
decimal point isn’t entered manually.
Example: input of 12345 is shown as 123.45 - F displays numbers with max resolution of 12 digits
- 0 .... 6 determines the number of digits behind the decimal point
- “%+-” ..... “PR” determines operation of the % key:
- “±%”: % calculation
- TAX : Calculation of prices including tax with Tax percentage stored with “K-in”
e.g.: store Tax percentage 12 with “K In”. Then 100 ‘x’ ‘%’ ‘+=’ displays 112. - Δ % : Percentage difference between two numbers
e.g.: 200 – 180 ‘x’ ‘%’ ‘+=’ displays 90 - MU : Mark Up key which can be used to calculate the max. purchase price if gross margin and selling price are known
e.g.: 100 ‘x’ 25 ‘%’ ‘+=’ displays 80 - PR : Profitability Ratio
e.g.: 100 ‘:’ 10 ‘%’ ‘+=’ displays 110
(*) Remarks: An “M” in the left part of the display shows that memory does contain a value.
An arrow in the left part of the display indicates an overflow
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Serial number:
Built in:
Production until:
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Square root
1975 ?
1977 (Büromaschinen Lexikon mentions this calculator in the 1976 en 1977 issue)